Bergen Scottish Society

Autumn Ceildih

• Autumn Ceilidh
Saturday Oct. 19th, Krokatjønnveien 11C

Along with the Burns Supper this is one of our bigger events on the Society's calendar.  This year's live music was provided by two talented Scottish keyboardists, John Sikorski and Archie MacFarlane,  who interchanged between the accordion and piano.  They were both excellent at calling out the dances and besides the old favourites of Dashing White Sargeant, the Canadian Barn Dance and Gay Gordons, we learned some new moves to some new tunes.  Everyone who attended were up on the dance floor multiple times.

A Bergen Scottish Society ceilidh would not be complete without the sounds of the drones and snares of the Bergen Pipes & Drums.  The band treated us to their 4 song routine which they played at the World Bagpiping Championships in Glasgow in August this year in addition to the their now standard tunes; among them, Scotland the Brave, Cullen Bay and Nystemten.

There were a few special events at this year's ceilidh: i) John performed a step dance routine for us.  Fascinating!  He can really move his feet!  ii) John's and Archie's friend from Bergen, Anne Sofie Linge, graced us with her vocal abilities, singing some lovely ballads.  iii) Snare drummer Willie Dawson was awarded an honorary membership, receiving a framed Bergen Scottish Tartan piece as a token of appreciation for all he has done for the Society and the Pipe Band.  A well deserved honour!


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