Bergen Scottish Society

Burns Supper

Saturday 28th January, 2005 - Danckert Krohn

Drama surrounded the journey of the haggis from its homeland, over the North Sea to Bergen. Misdirection, fog, a traffic accident, and over zealous (and perhaps dyslexic) customs officials all had a hand in preventing the traditional dish from arriving at the head table. In the end the day was saved by Solheim Kjøtt, who stepped into the breach with a Bergen variation of the Haggis.

The rest of the evening passed off smoothly. The guests were piped in, the traditional toasts and speeches were delivered and well received, and the immortal memory of Robert Burns was remembered and celebrated once again. A ceilidh brought the 2005 Burns Supper to a close, with the guests taking part in some Scottish Country dancing and enjoying music from the bagpipes and accordion.

This was the first large Burns Supper to be held in Bergen for many years, and the success of the event led the organisers to establish the Bergen Scottish Society a few months later.