Bergen Scottish Society

Spring ceilidh

Saturday 25th April, 2009 - Katedralskolen, Bergen

The atmosphere at this year's Spring Ceilidh was fantastic.
After a warm up from the Bergen Pipeband, three-piece ceilidh band Crowded Croft from Helensburgh in Argyll kept the tempo going all night.

Appropriately enough two members of the band are school teachers, so they felt at home playing in the gym at Katedralskolen. This was Crowded Croft's first international gig, and they did not disappoint. There were few people that got the chance to sit down during the evening, and that goes for the many new faces as well as the familiar ones.

We're already looking forward to the both the Autumn Ceilidh, and the next opportunity to invite Crowded Croft back over.