Bergen Scottish Society

Historical Walk / Byvandring at Nordnes

• Historical Walk / Byvandring
Wednesday 24th August - Nordnes

Our knowledgeable and pleasant guide, Frode Roalsø, opened our eyes to a few things we had never noticed before as we walked down from Floiebanen, past Torget and in to Nordnes, with its cobbled streets, and wooden houses that survived the great fire of 1916 not to mention the fort used as a weather station as late as the 1970's and... well, for those who were there, we learned a great deal over an enjoyable 2 hour walk.

The Scotsman pub accomodated us afterwards where we quenched our thirsts as we sat beside a statue of a Scottish gentleman, complete with tartan kilt and tam.

The motto from the tour that we can all take away with us was "Look Up". You're bound to notice something you've never noticed before. Try it!