Bergen Scottish Society

Amatørkulturdagen (AKD)

• Amatørkulturdagen Bergen
Saturday 10th September, Grieghallen

By all accounts, this opportunity to show off what the Society is all about was simply fun, fun, fun. We had a steady flow of visitors to our stand, which offered the opportunity to savour some shortbread, sample some of Scotland's most popular soft drink, Irn Bru, marvel at the sights and sounds of Scotland via computer, and, last but not least, see a demonstration of a few of the dances we'll be kicking up our heels to at our upcoming ceilidh!

The subset of two pipers and one drummer from Bergen Pipes & Drums put on two well-tuned performances, and their stand enticed folks to ask questions about the instruments, and even give the drum a try themselves!

Thanks to the Amatørkulturrådet i Bergen for organizing this annual event. As we've participated twice, it's now a tradition for our groups and we look forward to next year's AKD!