Bergen Scottish Society

AGM 2012

• Annual General Meeting
Tuesday 20th March

The four posts up for election in the Bergen Scottish Society were elected unanimously, with the Election Committee also recruiting a new Election committee for 2013 as well, thanks to their hard work and thoroughness.

Only one person however, stepped down in their duties at this year's AGM. A small bouquet of tulips was presented to Susan, for her diligence as treasurer the past 2 years. Both the committee and Angus, who is taking on the role, appreciate the system she's created to make the transition easier. Laura is our 2nd newcomer, and we welcome both Angus and Laura onboard! Jim and Bjarne are staying on in their respective posts of the past year. And grateful we are for that!

After the formalities, Margaret's quiz on Burns, Scottish food, music, and geography and the connections of the British royal family with Scotland, found the team comprised of committee members raising a white flag to their strong competition, a team made up of regular Society members. Perhaps next time, we'll somehow get a chance to preview the questions, which will help to make the playing field more even!