Bergen Scottish Society


Copyright: Kenneth Rivenes

Here is an overview of the Society's events in 2008. Links to photos from some of these events can be found on the menu to the left.

• Curling
Wednesday 12th November, 2008 - Iskanten

The Society returned for a second round of curling. Once again the helpful staff at Iskanten provided instruction for the new beginners. In a sign that people are getting to grips with the sport, scores were definitely higher

• Autumn Ceilidh
Saturday 26th October, 2008 - Radisson SAS Hotel Royal

This year the Autumn Ceilidh was held at Radisson SAS Hotel Royal on the Bryggen in Bergen. Bergen Pipeband kicked the night off to a roaring start. The night's star act were Edinburgh ceilidh band The Sensational Jimi Shandrix Experience, led by accordionist extraordinaire Sandy Brechin.

Shandrix, as they are known to friends, are a five piece that also includes fiddle, base, guitar and drums. The band is well known in Scotland, with regular appearances at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival and at Edinburgh’s official Hogmany celebrations.

Once again the dance floor was packed all night, with over 120 people attending.

• Evening lecture
Wednesday 10th September, 2008

Siri Myrvoll, Director of Byantikvaren in Bergen, held a talk entitled ‘Stone treasures of Bergen’. Siri is an extremely well respected authority on Bergen’s buildings, and she enlightened members and friends about the buildings heritage in Bergen and some of the medieval buildings that can still be seen today in parts of the city - if you know where to look. After the talk, there was an opportunity for members and friends to to socialise with a drink at the bar at Nøsteboden.

• Norwegian Constitution Day Parade
Saturday 17th May, 2008

The day begun at 07.00 with the pipe band playing a few sets of tunes at Skansen followed by a 17 May breakfast at the chairman's house. The Society then gathered together along with Det Glade Bergen to take part in Bergen's Constitution Day parade. As is now tradition, Bergen Pipeband was pride of place at the front of the Society. Their version of Nystemten yet again proved a winning combination, and the band did an excellent job keeping their puff going as people in the crowd shouted out for more.

• Spring Ceilidh
Saturday 21st April, 2007

An evening of traditional Scottish music and dancing, where participation was a must.
Music was provided by a young Edinburgh ceilidh band The Shandoneers, featuring Emilly Carr on fiddle, Andrew Mill on guitar, William Oke on bass and Colin MacGregor on drums. The band played their distinctive blend of ceilidh music with a slight country twang.
Bergen's very own bagpipe band - Bergen Pipeband - were on hand together with eight players from Oslo Caledonian Pipe Band and guest players, Colin Pryde and Brian Alexander to play as Norway's first mass pipes and drums.

• Annual General Meeting
Wednesday 26th March, 2008

The Societies third annual general meeting was held at Kalfarveien. A review of 2007 was presented, the committee was re-elected and an election committee was established. Coffee and cakes were on hand for some after meeting socialising.

• Whisky Tasting
Friday 29th February, 2008 - Nøsteboden

Chris Maile, organiser of the Oslo Malt Whisky Festival, gave a presentation on single malt whiskies and the blending of whisky at the Society’s second whisky tasting. The theme was 'The Origin of Flavour' and a whisky 'map' allowed those taking part, a chance to identify an 'unknown' whisky.

• Burns Supper
Saturday 26th January 2008 - Kjøttbasaren

Joe Findlay was back in town to produce the essential ingredient for the 2008 Burns Supper. This year so many orders had streamed in from as far apart as Trondheim, Stavanger, Oslo and Fredrikstad. Solheim Kjøtt kindly allowed Joe to use their premises for two days to make over 250kg of haggis. Once again this proved popular with the local media and a feature on NRK P1 radio programme Norgesglasset was followed up by articles in the Bergen papers.

This year the Burns Supper was organised in partnership with the Bergen branch of Norsk Malt Whisky Lag (NMWL). The dinner was held at Kjøttbasaren, right in the centre of Bergen. Society Chairman and Master of Ceremonies James Hosea opened the evening, and Bergen Pipeband leader Chris Jones piped in Joe and one of his Chieftain haggii.

David Robertson gave the address to the haggis, and the Immortal Memory was delivered by Craig Morton. After the main course Grendakoret entertained the dinner guests with a trilogy of Burns songs. Joe regaled guests with tales of haggis mating habits and moves by the Scottish Government to protect the now endangered species. Svein Arne Frekhaug toasted the lassies in poetic style, and Cecile Rosenvold quoted extensively Burns in her reply from the lassies.

Then it was time to clear away the tables and for June Murison to lead the dancing into the wee small hours. The location, venue, catering were excellent and the staff did a great job. A thoroughly enjoyable night was had by all.