Here are some news highlights from 2009
Bagpipes blamed for life's ills
Bergen, 15 November 2009
Pipe Major Thomas De Ridder of Bergen Pipes and Drums was featured in an article by Bergens Tidende (BT) following a report by the National Piping Centre in Glasgow, Scotland that there were certain hazards link to playing the bagpipes.
New website launched
Bergen, May 2009
The Society is proud to announce the launch of its new website. . . .
The haggis man commeth!
Bergen, 20 January 2009
The Society is pleased to announce that award winning Portobello butcher Joe Findlay, is returning to Bergen this week to make haggis at Solheim Kjøtt for this year's Burns Supper. Haggis will also be available for sale at Solheim Kjøtt.